About Cosmic Patterns Software

Cosmic Patterns Software is a team of software developers, website developers, translators, graphic artists, and astrologers that bring you StarGuidance.com and many astrology software programs for people at all levels of astrology: professionals, students, and beginners.

All of the reports that are available at StarGuidance.com can also be purchased as software that you install on your computer and run on your computer. The advantage of producing reports at StarGuidance.com is that for most people it is much less expensive to order individual reports at StarGuidance.com. Purchasing all of the software available at StarGuidance.com would cost many thousands of dollars. However, if you order dozens of the same report for yourself, friends, family, etc., then you may find it makes more sense for you to purchase the software. The Cosmic Patterns Software is www.AstroSoftware.com

Cosmic Patterns Software is an ethical and socially responsible company that invests profits to pay workers. There are no high paid executives earning many times what the people are paid who work hard to make these products available. We also partner with other companies and individuals in areas such as: interpretive report development, itnerpretive report translation, graphics, research, and astrological education.

      Cosmic Patterns Software, Inc.
      6212 NW 43rd Street, Suite B
      Gainesville, FL 32653

Telephone Numbers:
      1-800-779-2559 (Orders Only)

Fax Number:
