
Make sure that you select the report(s) that you want to purchase before you proceed. All sales are final and not refundable.

Your reports are emailed to you. The interpretation does not appear on the screen. Within 1 minute of placing your order, the report will appear in your inbox of your email program. If it does not, check a spam folder or junk folder to see if it was placed there.

"Birth Time Unknown" Reports
If the birth time is not from a birth certificate or birth record or known to be accurate within about 10 or 15 minutes, then we recommend ordering the "Birth Time Unknown" style of the report. These reports leave out interpretations of things that are dependent on having an accurate birth time, such as planets in houses and the Ascendant. Therefore, a "Birth Time Unknown" report is a little shorter than a "Birth Time Known" Report.

Note also that some reports are not available in a "Birth Time Unknown" version because they require a birth time.

StarQuest Forecast — Report by Ronco, Jawer, and Hajjar

3 Months

This report is an expanded version of the Basic Forecast Report by Gina Ronco. Interpretations of the 4 major asteroids and Chiron (written by Maureen Hajjar) and midpoints (written by Jeff Jawer) can also be included. For example, if transiting Chiron is conjunct natal Sun, or transiting Uranus is trine natal Vesta, transiting Pluto is conjunct the Sun/Moon midpoint, or the transiting Uranus/Pluto midpoint is opposition natal Mars, it will be interpreted. (Interpretations of asteroids in midpoint structures are not available). When running a forecast based on progressed-to-natal aspects, these influences can also be added. The Advanced Forecast also has one other advantage over the Basic Forecast Report by Gina Ronco: interpretations of quincunxes are included. The Advanced Forecast Report does not remove any capabilities of the Basic Forecast Report; it simply gives the additional capabilities of midpoint and asteroid interpretations.

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